Monday, January 30, 2012

Decisions, Decisions

I was thinking today, as I sit in this chair receiving more chemotherapy. Ok, so I pretty much am thinking all the time but that's beside the point. Anyways, I was thinking about life. I was thinking about where I am and where I've been. I was reflecting on the decisions I have made thus far in life. Really, I don't think I've made bad decisions in life. At least not that many.

This lead to me think about the fact that from an extremely young age, we begin to make decisions in life. While we are young we begin to choose things and hopefully there is some sort of at least sufficient parenting present to help shape and guide those decisions. And, as we get older, the decisions seem to increase both in number and importance.

If you really think about all the decisions you have to make in life it can get overwhelming quickly. Who we spend our time with, how we spend our money, what we eat, what we watch and listen to, what we read. These are all examples of choices that we make each and everyday that ultimately begin to shape our reality. And these are just the conscious decisions we make. What about all of the decisions we make without even thinking? How we respond and react to the things that life throws our way, whether good or bad, could simply be defined as another choice.

This lead me to ponder about my situation a little. Cancer. Did I choose it? Why did it happen? How did it happen? Of course, I have to stop quickly when I start forming those thoughts. These are dangerous thoughts. It's too easy to enter into judgment, of self, and even of God. It isn't my place to try and figure out why I'm here.

But still, I think about this thought. I find myself in bad situation. A situation that I seemingly had no choice in. Really, it simply leads to yet another decision. How do I respond?

If you've been following my blog at all I hope you have been able to see my response. I believe that I've been responding well to the situation. More and more I realize that God is less and less concerned with us being in perfect situations. In truth, it matters much more how we respond to whatever it is that comes our way.

So how do we respond well? I believe it is fairly simple.

The Bible teaches us that we live life from our hearts. Ultimately whatever is in our hearts will come out and form our world. Every decision we make, is governed by our heart. That's why it says to guard out hearts.

To take it just a little further what is in our hearts is formed by our belief systems. What we believe about who God is. What we believe about who we are in Him. Am I loved and accepted? Do I belong? Do I have what it takes in this life?

And isn't it funny, what you believe in your heart is what? You guessed it, another choice!

Decisions, decisions. Maybe this is all a little overwhelming. Maybe it's confusing. I'll try to sum it all up. Today, concentrate and make some good choices. Im not talking about your diet or you finances. Make some choices to shape your beliefs. Speak the truth into your life. Choose to believe Gods Word instead of whatever circumstance you find yourself in.

That's how I've made it through this
cancer crap. Excuse my language. It's not about denying the facts. It was a very real fact that I had quite a lot of cancer in my body. I faced the facts, but didn't embrace them. I chose to believe the Truth that says I'm healed. I reacted with the truth. And through it all I have known and believed that God loves me, and that I'm valuable to Him. Yeah, sometimes that's hard when you find yourself in a trial or tragedy, but it doesn't change the truth.

Just because I got cancer doesn't change who I am. I am an overcomer. I am more than a conquerer. I am a beloved son. God still loves me. God still cares for me. And you know what? I'll be honest. There have been times during this ordeal in which believing those things were hard. There were times when I didn't really feel it. I mean its easy to ask the question "How could the God that loves and cares for me allow me to have cancer?" But I still chose to respond by believing in the Truth. Jesus still loves me. The Bible tells me so. Believe that, despite your circumstance, and it will go well for you. Trust me, you'll get a peace that surpasses understanding when you begin to choose to align your beliefs with the truth of God's word.

1 comment:

  1. Praying that God will continue to undergird you with His peace.

    Love in Christ,
    Judy Roper Groves
