Monday, November 21, 2011

Fighting Against Cancer!!!

The boys are fighting with me!!! We have VICTORY!!!


  1. You've been in our prayers constantly since Kendra first called me. I love you bunches, cousin!

  2. Thanks for doing this, Kirby. I'm so glad to hear what's going on and how to pray, and I'm inspired already! Love y'all!!!

  3. I would pose with the guys, but then you're readership would drop dramatically, but I'm with ya, but gonna keep my shirt on....for your safety and well being, and peace of mind!!

  4. Kirby, you are a warrior. I'll be with you as a warrior, believing, praying, and fighting the good fight with you. You are right, THIS VICTORY IS YOURS.
    Jeff Burnett

  5. That's the Kirby I know! Proud of you man!

  6. Lauran and I are praying for you and Catherine! Stand strong for the victory is yours! We love you guys!
